Who’s in the Kitchen?

It’s a beetle! Well, not really. Why I call myself a beetle is a long story that dates back to my days in college. We won’t go there now. I just thought it a fun pen-name to write my blogs with.

This blog was born out of my desire to have an online journal dedicated specifically to my experiments in the kitchen. I’d started out with another blog (almost redundant now), where I talk about anything I feel like. Food was interspersed with my other ramblings, though it had started taking precedence. My recipe posts started turning into the camel that inched its way into the tent till it was completely in and had pushed everything else out in the process. I had to do something about it. So, I started this blog. In my head, I also had grand plans to ‘Ashton Kutcher-ize’ my food blog but, I’m just taking it one day at a time.

Chief Cook and Baker

I have always loved food – eating more than cooking. Over the years, I’ve discovered that I have an interest in making the food and not just eating it all up. Surrounded by family who are enthusiastic about good food helps stoke the cooking and baking part of me. I may not have a very sophisticated palate (read: I still love my pig-out sessions on good ol’ McDonalds) but writing about food and discovering new recipes has certainly changed my tastes and preferences when it comes to food. This blog has also helped me start my own personal cookbook collection because I am now actually trying dishes out instead of just collecting recipes that eventually disappear into a black-hole. So, there’s going to be an ample amount of kitchen disasters and triumphs in here, as I cook and bake my way around.

Special Appearances

In my kitchen, you’ll also bump into the husband, who mostly only saunters in to taste the food and criticize it from his disillusioned view that he knows best in the kitchen since he studied and worked in the hotel industry for a few years. Pfffft! I have natural talent, so I don’t need to be professionally trained to be better than him. Hey, it’s my kitchen so I can believe anything I want to. *grin*

And not to forget, my faithful ‘little’ vacuum cleaner (who’s only 50 pounds ‘light’, but we don’t keep track of weight in our kitchen, unless it’s of the ingredients), Pebbles. She’s always patiently waiting, at the kitchen entrance, for me to take my eyes off her for just a second, so she can scoot in to mop any fallen morsel off the ground. She’s very smart, this dog, and also faster than the speed of light at hunting for crumbs.

Secondary Passion

My venture into blogging also brought about a new passion for photography. Well, also the fact that I’d just got my hands on a Canon Rebel T1i. After numerous Google searches and tutorials, I’ve finally begun to understand how to get the best out of the camera. Reading and ogling at other beautiful food blogs has also got me interested in food photography. So, I spend a lot of time dreaming of props, angles, lighting and other stuff related to that.

You’ll read about all this and more on this blog. And I hope to make a whole bunch of friends along the way!

3 responses to “Who’s in the Kitchen?

  1. You’re too funny 🙂 Can’t wait to meet you in person someday. And yay for moving! I bet you are so excited!

  2. Pingback: New day, New home « Beetle's Kitchen Escapades·

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