Midnight Snacks and Comebacks

Oh boy. It’s been a really, really long time since I’ve been here. And it almost feels alien to be returning to this space after such a long time has passed. What started off as a couple of months away – to travel and spend time with my folks who were here with me in the summer – turned into this unending, uncertain break.

It wasn’t easy getting back, to be honest, even though the heart really wanted to. There were so many questions – which dish do I make? What about the photography? What about the setup? All that plagued my brain and every time I thought about it, I snuggled deeper and deeper into my couch to surf gazillion online stores or play the umpteen Restaurant/Bakery/Home Design Story games on my phone instead.

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But. There is a light at the end of every tunnel. And for me, it came in the form of a midnight snack hunt. Nothing in my snack shelf really looked appetizing and I wanted something quick, fast and finger-licking good. This is where always having a batch of mushrooms in the fridge comes in handy. It took me all of ten minutes to cook, serve, photograph and demolish this snack. Yes, that’s what hunger pangs can do to you.

Sometimes, keeping it simple really does work. It did get me back to my blog. And I’m happy on all counts.

In the spirit of getting back all refreshed and recharged, I’ve decided to give Beetle’s Kitchen Escapades a refresher too. I’m retiring the name and within the next week or few, will be changing its name to – Stir Whisk Bake! I think it’s time to move on from being a beetle in the kitchen. We’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, enough chatter and more food. That should be me my mantra. Though my pants won’t thank me for that. Ah, it feels great to be back and chuckle at my own jokes. Have a lovely weekend!

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Stir-fried Mushrooms & Bell peppers


  • 1 1/2 cups baby bella mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 medium-sized red bell pepper, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons feta cheese, divided
  • 1/2 tablespoon butter (you don’t really need butter, but at midnight I needed a little fix of it – just substitute with oil)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried mint leaves
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried basil leaves
  • 1/4 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • A couple of dashes of your favorite hot sauce (I used the butt-burning variety that sent me into a coughing fit as soon as I threw it in the frying pan and I loved it)
  • Salt and pepper to season

Here’s how you do it:

Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan on medium high heat. Throw in your mushrooms and red bell pepper, giving it a quick stir. Add your pepper powder, garlic powder, dried mint and basil leaves (don’t worry about salt now because the Feta will add enough saltiness later). Saute on high heat till your mushrooms soften and start browning slightly.

Add the balsamic vinegar and hot sauce. Stir for a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. Add 1 1/2 tablespoons of the Feta cheese and mix it. Taste for seasoning and add more salt and/or pepper, if you please.

Before serving, top with the reserved feta.

P.S. I ate mine on toast and it satisfied all my midnight cravings.

11 responses to “Midnight Snacks and Comebacks

    • Can you believe WordPress actually sent your comment to spam and I just rescued it?! Atrocious! I think someone needs timeout for this disastrous deed! No one dares do this to my most awesome blogger friend and get away with it! 😀

  1. Amrita – glad to see you’re back! Hope you enjoyed your travels – where did you go, and, more importantly, what did you EAT? Sometimes a good long couch-snuggle is exactly what is necessary to fuel a passion-filled comeback. Looking forward to reading your posts again!

    toreadinto readtp

  2. Ha – please ignore the final two ‘words’ (if I can call them that) at the end of my comment. Not sure why, but I typed them and they didn’t show up in draft mode, but they did in publish mode. They provided me with a good chuckle, though, with possibly one snort. 🙂

    • Haha Probably these nosy little bots lurking around every corner of the internet wanted to play a joke on you…must’ve been a slow day for them 😉 Gosh, I did quite a bit of traveling with parents/friends – Chicago, Ohio, Niagara, Myrtle beach, New York, Philly – and don’t even get me started on all that I ate…that’s enough to fill a book, but, one that really stood out for me was a grilled chicken caesar salad at La Croix in Philly…fantastic!

  3. Hi Amrita -Welcome back! Good to see you’ve surfaced from what must be a wonderful adventure.
    Your snack has everything one can ask for and more. Though I’m mighty impressed with your speed in cooking, photographying and chowing (q20 minutes you say?) Fantastic!
    chow! Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

    • Devaki, trust me, when you’re that hungry, things can happen really fast! Haha! This was a very simple set up and that’s how I plan to keep it moving forward. No stress, just fun and food. More fun that way!

  4. Hey welcome back! I had also disappeared for a while so I know how it feels. And this snack is fantastic. It’s just the kind of thing I would make! I also keep mushrooms in the fridge constantly, there’s so much you can do with them esp on short notice. Mushrooms, bell peppers, balsamic and feta- you don’t need much else 🙂

It's your turn to say something...don't be shy now...I only burn spam in my oven :)